te rito
He iti, he iti kahekatoa: Although small, I am powerful
Te Rito is a calm environment where our pēpi and kōhungahunga are nurtured to develop their skills and abilities within their own time and place. In Te Rito, we transform strategies and practices to reflect the individual learning needs of each tamaiti, enabling them to actively explore their surroundings in their own unique ways. We believe that pēpi and kōhungahunga have the potential to thrive, and to be powerful contributors that are confident in their own mana āhua ake.
Te Rito is a calm environment where our pēpi and kōhungahunga are nurtured to develop their skills and abilities within their own time and place. In Te Rito, we transform strategies and practices to reflect the individual learning needs of each tamaiti, enabling them to actively explore their surroundings in their own unique ways. We believe that pēpi and kōhungahunga have the potential to thrive, and to be powerful contributors that are confident in their own mana āhua ake.
Kaiako within te rito
The kaiako and kaiāwhina within Te Rito have over 20 years of combined experience in early childhood education and respond sensitively to the unique needs for each tamaiti. Our kaiako include Kōka Geraldine Matete, supported by kōka Nina-Kate Rangihuna & Monique Hobdell